Our Leadership

Each year, the congregation appoints several leaders. These people are chosen because the fruit of the Spirit is seen in their lives, and they are committed to the Sanctuary project. They are entrusted to pray for the congregation and the region, to work together on policy, finance and relationships with the wider church, to discern topics for and organize congregational meetings, and to discuss, pray about and make decisions on other matters as they arise, in consultation with the congregation as appropriate. What follows is the commitment the leaders make to each other and the congregation.

We acknowledge that through the affirmation of this faith community God has led us into a season of special service with Sanctuary, a faith community of the Baptist Union of Victoria, and through word and action to take responsibility for many aspects of the life of this church.

In accepting this position of service we make these commitments to our church and to each other:

  • To develop ourselves as prayerful persons, in connection with God, place and people.
  • To fully participate in the life of the church, especially as it gathers for worship.
  • To nurture the growth of a church spirit that is safe, respectful, inclusive, transparent, liberating, honest and empowering.
  • To encourage all in their participation in the life of the church in their worship, in their acts of service, in their dreaming of dreams and in their discernment of the Spirit’s leading.
  • To develop trust and honesty with each other, trusting that we will support each other and work together in good faith even as we give voice to different perspectives.
  • To participate in communal discernment and support the decision that is reached through this process.
  • To carry out our responsibilities with diligence and close collaboration with each other, and accept when we are graciously called to account.

We take on this role as a season of service, knowing that there will be a time when it is right to move into a different role and accept the service of others, and knowing that this time may be discerned by ourselves or by the community of faith. Ω

Why the broom lady? Because we reckon church leadership is a lot like housekeeping. Read a longer description of what church housekeeping involves, and why we believe housekeeping is the best metaphor, here.

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