Children? You belong here

Jesus took a little child, and placed him in the centre of the disciples. (Mark 9:36).

Sanctuary is a space for people of all ages to grow in faith, hope and love, not just the adults. We are committed to being a space where all children are cherished, nurtured, and encouraged to grow in wisdom and stature. This includes children with disabilities, children in rainbow families, children who are neurodivergent, children who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, children in diverse caring arrangements, and others. We actively seek to include children’s views and experiences in our worship services and liturgies, on our website, in organizational planning, and around the management of our facilities. We do not tolerate any form of child abuse, and will do everything in our power to safeguard children against it.

Sanctuary abides by the following documents and more. They are based on the new Child Safe Standards which came into effect on 1 July 2022.

BUV Code of Ethics and Companion Guide, here.

BUV Complaints Procedure, here.

On Sunday 26 June, our sermon reflected on the role of the law in setting culture, here.

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